Facebook has now made major improvements to its analytics for websites, applications, and pages.  Businesses now have increased insights into how people are engaging with their Facebook presence on and off their sites.

At this point, most businesses have probably come to the realization that they are missing out on some serious opportunities if they do not have a Facebook presence.  Facebook is showing that it will keep growing, despite all of the recent privacy concerns capturing the media’s attention, and more and more sites across the web continue to get integrated with Facebook, which means Facebook is becoming more and more integrated into people’s online activity in general. While this in itself means great things for businesses, Facebook is now offering businesses new tools to better understand the data derived from their user engagement with their brands giving rise to better and new analytics to further  monetize their Facebook presence.

The new Insights dashboard is your single source for all your Facebook analytics needs for:

  • Websites: Fully-integrated sites and those that use social plugins, or add a non-integrated domain in one easy step
  • Applications: Including canvas, mobile, device, and desktop applications
  • Facebook Pages: Including Pages created on Facebook.com and those that are part of the Open Graph protocol