Why does Google continue to modify it’s search algorithm? It is all about site quality; providing the user with the highest quality Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Panda has had a significant affect on websites that have poor quality content, little content, copied or plagiarized content or just an overall poor site relative to keywords represented on the pages. On the other hand, sites that have extensive good quality, relevant content have been ranked higher as a direct result of this algorithm modification.

Google Panda Algorithm Update

Google Panda Algorithm Update

Get on the good side of Panda and update your website with good quality relevant content, easy to ready, appealing to users and very sociable topics. Businesses need to focus on their specialties, include white papers, increase usability, logical flow, good written semantic structure to keep on top.

More info on the Panda Change:

Need help conquering the Panda? We have the knowledge to get you back on top and keep you there. Contact us for a free quote or consultation.
